
The Pilot Regatta

Pilot Regatta 2025

Pilot Regatta 2025

Saturday, July 12- Sunday, July 13, 2025
Portland Yacht Club
Falmouth, Maine
FMI: www.portlandyachtclub.com/racing or email pycrace@gmail.com

Two-day regatta for PHRF racing and cruising and one-design classes with live music
and dinner on Saturday night.

PHRF keelboat racing classes are divided into racing and cruising depending on the
number of entries. One design class for Etchells, J24s, and other classes with a
minimum of four boats.

Day 1 will be a longer-course race in Casco Bay. Party on Saturday night at Portland
Yacht Club. Dinner, a bar, and live music are included in the entry fee.

On day 2, there will be windward-leeward races (with a goal of 2-3 races per class).
Regatta awards will take place on Sunday at PYC after racing.

Moorings, launch services, and parking are available for visiting boats participating in
the regatta.NOR will be posted soon. Reach out with questions.

Thank you,
Sarah Helming and Jeff LePage, Regatta Co-Chairs


The Pilot Races began as a One Design series for the several Hinckley Pilots members
owned in the mid-sixties. It has evolved into a multi-division regatta featuring one-design
and handicap racing across several classes.

Entry Fee

(includes dinner, drinks, and live music):
PHRF Racing:
$125 = Early bird pricing (before 4/15)
$175 = Entry Fee (4/16-until regatta)
PHRF Cruising & One Design fleets
$100 = Early bird pricing (before 4/15)
$150 = Entry Fee (4/16-until regatta)
One design fleet = Etchells, J24s, and other classes with a minimum of four boats.

Registration (opens April 1)

The Pilot Regatta Registration

Current Entries
