House Facilities
Our Clubhouse was originally a small seaside cottage. Since the Club purchased it over 60 years ago, it has been expanded and upgraded many times. Yet we think it still maintains the atmosphere of that seaside cottage, but now for the enjoyment of many more people!
We have two showers in each rest room. If you should forget to bring a towel, don’t worry — you’ll find towels available near the showers.
A coin laundry is located next to the service entrance from the parking lot. It takes quarters; if you don’t have any, ask the manager on duty — we may have some on hand. There is no soap dispenser, but we do try to keep a box of detergent on hand.
Our library contains a wide-ranging collection of books and periodicals, all with a nautical theme, as you might guess. It is located in the Chart Room. A part of the library consists of a “lending library” — novels and other popular books. Feel free to borrow a book from the “lending library” or leave one.
The Chart Room also includes a wall-sized chart of the entire Maine coast (thus the name of the room). It is also called the Trophy Room, since we display the many trophies awarded down the years to racers and Club volunteers.
Dogs, we maintain a “doggy bag” dispenser on one wall of our shed. Please ask your human to pick up after you and dispose of the bag in the dumpster near the shed. And remember, dogs, you need to be on leash at all times — you don’t want your human to get lost without you.
House Layout

Our Dining Room provides a warm, comfortable room in which to enjoy a great meal with a “million-dollar” view. See the Dining section of our site for more information about times, menus, and reservations.